Parent Resources

Benefits of Online Tutoring

By Brianca Hadnot

Benefits of Online Tutoring

In the last two years we have seen a major shift in the ways in which we approach learning. In what began as a confusing, and overwhelming change, we ultimately found new and innovative ways to connect, engage and approach a wide range of learning mobility. So, now as we mitigate back to our “normal,” one is left to wonder if online tutoring is beneficial enough to remain a tool in our learning box. This is best decided by your family, but I do want to share what online tutoring looks like at Fusion Global Academy and a few reasons we will continue to stand by online tutoring as a resource for parents and students alike.

What is Virtual Tutoring?

First, what is virtual tutoring? You no longer have to find a tutoring center in your area or find a local expert to invite into your home. Virtual tutoring at Fusion Global Academy is done by our highly qualified teachers and is 100% online. We’ll work to truly know your student and address subject area gaps.

Personalized Learning

Because online tutoring offers greater access to educators, students are often provided the one-one support that is not feasible in traditional classroom settings. This is especially important to individuals who need to scaffold learning materials or need extra time to understand and process assignments. By having this personalized approach individuals are made to feel heard, seen, and connected, often reflected by improved grades and a more positive relationship with school.

Access to Interactive Learning Modes

A benefit of online tutoring is the way in which educators have learned to bridge learning into a fun accessible activity. For example, interactive lessons that mimic game-like play have been found to be successful in 93% of students in terms of staying engaged and remaining on task, according to studies conducted by Technology Solutions that Drive Education. This is likely due to students being digital natives and their growing familiarity with video games and technology. By accessing learning in a familiar way, students are able to rise to academic challenges with greater ease.

More Content Can Be Covered in Online Settings vs Traditional Classrooms

According to research shared by Think Impact, Online tutoring requires 40 to 60% less time learning than traditional classrooms. Perhaps this is due to the smaller, distraction-free environments that virtual learning requires, it has not been clearly determined at this time. However, this does allow your student the academic edge to perform at his or her highest potential.

It’s not surprising that common online tutoring subjects include:

  • Math
  • Writing
  • Science
  • Language

Each of these subject areas includes complex ideas that aren’t one-size-fits-all. In a traditional classroom environment, students can’t always grasp these concepts. In a personalized online tutoring session, they can work at their pace and work through areas they don’t understand.

Schedule Flexibility

Gone are the days of the long commute, now it’s as simple as logging in to Zoom. A wonderful opportunity for families with busy schedules. With online tutoring students and parents can prioritize the times when learning feels most accessible to them.  Because of the nature of the course, time and location are no longer barriers to resources necessary for students’ success.

Learn More About Our Online Tutoring Programs

Are you interested in learning more about Fusion’s online tutoring? You can find out more here or click here to connect with our admissions team.

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Brianca Hadnot
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