Our online curriculum includes core and elective courses at varying levels depending on your student's academic goals.
Course listings below include the course length, available levels (E: Essentials, P: College Prep, H: Honors, or One Level), NCAA approval, UC Approval, any required prerequisites. Contact us with any questions.
207 Courses
Heart valves, cars, cartoons, and buildings may not seem to have much in common, but they all share one spectacular attribute: all originated as a 3D model. 3D modeling has changed the way the world makes things, and in this course, you’ll learn the basics to begin creating in 3D! You’ll learn how different 3D models are built and how to practice using a variety of modeling methods. By the end of the course, you’ll walk away with a portfolio of your ingenious modeling ideas. 3D modeling is an essential part of the modern world and soon, you’ll be able to contribute yourself!
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: College Prep or Honors World History (Grade B or Higher)
Students will explore the interconnections between art, culture, and historical context using critical analysis through the critical lenses of artistic expression, cultural awareness, and purpose. Using a defined art historical skill set and reflective learning, students will analyze relationships across cultures with a global lens. The examination of how people have responded to and communicated their experiences through art will enable students to think conceptually about art ranging from prehistoric to contemporary. Students will be active participants, engaging with art and its context as they read, research, and collaborate to learn about art, artists, art-making, and responses to and interpretations of art.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: College Prep or Honors Biology and Chemistry (Grades B or Higher); Algebra 1
This course is designed to provide a college-level experience and prepare students for the AP® exam. Students will be provided with a foundation for developing an understanding for biological concepts through scientific inquiry, investigations, interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, real-world applications, writing analytical essays, statistical analysis, interpreting and collecting data. The key big ideas of the AP® Biology course are system interactions, evolution, energetics, information storage, and transmission. Students will participate in a variety of engaging activities that enhance their mastery of biology concepts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus (Grade B or Higher) or College Prep Pre-Calculus (Grade A- Minimum)
AP® Calculus AB is designed to be the equivalent of a first-term college calculus course devoted to topics in differential and integral calculus. The course focuses on students’ understanding of calculus concepts and provides experience with methods and applications. Through the use of big ideas of calculus (e.g., modeling change, approximation and limits, and analysis of functions), each course becomes a cohesive whole, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. Both AP® Calculus courses require students to use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions. The courses feature a multi-representational approach to calculus, with concepts, results, and problems expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. Exploring connections among these representations builds an understanding of how calculus applies limits to develop important ideas, definitions, formulas, and theorems. A sustained emphasis on clear communication of methods, reasoning, justifications, and conclusions is essential.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus (Grade A or Higher); Calculus (Grade B or Higher)
AP® Calculus BC is designed to be the equivalent to both first and second-term college calculus courses. AP® Calculus BC applies the content and skills learned in AP® Calculus AB to parametrically defined curves, polar curves, and vector-valued functions; develops additional integration techniques and applications; and introduces the topics of sequences and series. The course focuses on students’ understanding of calculus concepts and provides experience with methods and applications. Through the use of big ideas of calculus (e.g., modeling change, approximation and limits, and analysis of functions), each course becomes a cohesive whole, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. Both AP® Calculus courses require students to use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions. The courses feature a multi-representational approach to calculus, with concepts, results, and problems expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. Exploring connections among these representations builds an understanding of how calculus applies limits to develop important ideas, definitions, formulas, and theorems. A sustained emphasis on clear communication of methods, reasoning, justifications, and conclusions is essential.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Algebra 2; College Prep or Honors Chemistry
The AP® Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced course work in chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Created by the AP® Chemistry Development Committee, the course curriculum is compatible with many Chemistry courses in colleges and universities.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 (Grade B or Higher)
The AP® Computer Science A course is equivalent to the first term of a college-level computer science course. The course involves developing the skills to write programs or part of programs to correctly solve specific problems. AP® Computer Science A also emphasizes the design issues that make programs understandable, adaptable, and when appropriate, reusable. At the same time, the development of useful computer programs and classes is used as a context for introducing other important concepts in computer science, including the development and analysis of algorithms, the development and use of fundamental data structures, and the study of standard algorithms and typical applications. In addition, an understanding of the basic hardware and software components of computer systems and the responsible use of these systems are integral parts of the course.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Honors English 10 (Grade B or Higher)
This course provides high school students with college-level instruction in analyzing and writing various texts. The course covers topics in language and rhetoric as well as expository and persuasive writing. Students become skilled readers of prose written in various periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts. The study of texts from both the reader and writer perspectives develops an understanding of the function, effect, and purpose behind the choices writers make, leading students to improve their own composition skills. This course will effectively prepare students for the AP® Exam and learning beyond the exam by enabling them to read, analyze, and write about complex texts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Honors English 11 (Grade B or Higher) or AP® English Language & Composition
This course provides high school students with college-level instruction in active, close reading and analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of carefully selected works of literary merit, students learn to consider how a work’s style, figurative language, theme, and other literary elements contribute to its cultural significance. The approach to analyzing prose and poetry allows students to establish connections, make observations about textual details, and sharpen their understanding of these nuances through their own writing. This course will effectively prepare students for the AP® Exam and learning beyond the exam by enabling them to read, analyze, and write about complex texts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Algebra 1; 1 Year Life Lab and 1 Year Physical Science Lab (Grades B or Higher)
With the current changes in global climate, rising sea levels, and warming oceans, it is important for students to discover the state of Earth’s systems and the consequences of human activities. AP® Environmental Science provides students with a global view of their world and their role in it. It examines the scientific principles and concepts required to understand the interrelationships between ocean, land, and atmosphere that guide the natural world and allow Earth to be a planet suitable for life. Laboratory activities within the course support their learning of these relationships through reflective, hands-on, or virtual experiences. In addition, students identify and analyze environmental problems that are natural and human-made, determining their own ecological footprint in the world to discover how their activities affect the world around them. They evaluate the relative risks associated with environmental problems and examine alternative solutions, such as clean energy, sustainable practices, and conservation, for resolving or preventing future environmental problems.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
AP® European History is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or university European history course. In AP® European History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in four historical periods from approximately 1450 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing historical evidence; contextualization; comparison; causation; change and continuity over time; and argument development. The course also provides six themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: interaction of Europe and the world; poverty and prosperity; objective knowledge and subjective visions; states and other institutions of power; individual and society; and national and European identity.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
In this AP® course, students are introduced to human geography or cultural geography. The content is organized around the discipline’s main subfields: economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, and urban geography. The approach is spatial and problem-oriented. Case studies are drawn from all world regions, with an emphasis on understanding the world in which we live today. Historical information serves to enrich analysis of the impacts of phenomena such as globalization, colonialism, and human-environment relationships on places, regions, cultural landscapes, and patterns of interaction. Students also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications. The goal for the course is for students to become more geo-literate, more engaged in contemporary global issues, and more informed about multicultural viewpoints. Students will see geography as a discipline relevant to the world in which they live; as a source of ideas for identifying, clarifying, and solving problems at various scales; and as a key component of building global citizenship and environmental stewardship.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Algebra 1; Geometry
In this AP® course, students establish the fundamentals of economics, with a survey of scarcity, opportunity cost, supply, demand, and market equilibrium. They then zoom out to the largest scale of economic analysis, learning the indicators of whole countries’ economic health, specifically gross domestic product, unemployment, and price level. With that foundation, the rest of the course looks at fiscal and monetary policies, their consequences, and the basics of international trade and the foreign exchange market. Students will gain a much deeper understanding of the world around them, the roles that government and banks play in an economy, and the economic outcomes generated by their policy decisions.
LENGTH: 1 Term | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Algebra 1; Geometry
In this course, students explore the power of marginal thinking and apply it to common decisions that individuals and business firms encounter each day. Students examine, interpret, analyze, and model key microeconomics concepts and processes, from the shifting supply and demand for familiar products to the model of the labor market and how wages are determined.
LENGTH: 1 Term | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Geometry; Prior College Prep or Honors Lab Science
AP® Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of Physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
AP® Precalculus prepares students for other college-level mathematics and science courses. Through regular practice, students build deep mastery of modeling and functions, and they examine scenarios through multiple representations. The course framework delineates content and skills common to college precalculus courses that are foundational for careers in mathematics, physics, biology, health science, social science, and data science.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
In this AP® course, students immerse themselves in the scientific study of human behavior and cognition. Learn about notable figures and psychological studies. Investigate scientific methods and ethical considerations related to human and animal research. In this college-level course, you will learn about and apply important terms, concepts, and phenomena associated with each major area of psychology and enhance your critical thinking skills. Topics include the biological bases of psychology, sensation and perception, learning, cognition, development, motivation, emotion, personality, psychological disorders, and social psychology.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Spanish 3
The AP® Spanish Language and Culture course emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. The AP® Spanish Language and Culture course strives not to overemphasize grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. To best facilitate the study of language and culture, the course is taught almost exclusively in Spanish.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Honors Algebra 2 (Grade B or Higher) or College Prep Algebra 2 (Grade A- Minimum)
AP® Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem-solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: Honors US History or AP® United States History (Grade B or Higher)
In this AP® course, students investigate key political concepts, ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors that characterize the constitutional system and political culture of the United States. Students will study the structure of the Constitution throughout the course, as well as its implications for the functioning of government today. Other foundational documents, landmark Supreme Court cases, and opportunities for research and civic action are key elements in this rich course that prepares.
LENGTH: 1 Term | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
Prerequisite: An Honors Level History Course (Grade B or Higher)
In this AP® course, students will develop and use historical thinking skills (chronological reasoning, comparison and contextualization, crafting historical arguments from historical evidence, and historical interpretation and synthesis) to examine the history of the United States from 1491 to the present. Students will learn through active participation as they analyze sources and collaborate to gain a conceptual understanding of U.S. history. The course is structured around nine time periods outlined within the College Board Advanced Placement United States History Framework. Each time period is divided into key concepts meant to contextualize history and show continuity and well as change over time. The intention is for students to explore history, establishing economic, political, and social patterns.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Advanced Placement®
AP® World History is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or university world history course. In AP® World History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in six historical periods from approximately 1000 C.E. to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; making historical comparisons; utilizing reasoning about contextualization, causation, and continuity and change over time; and developing historical arguments. The course provides five themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: interaction between humans and the environment; development and interaction of cultures; state building, expansion, and conflict; creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems; and development and transformation of social structures.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | AP® | NCAA, UC
Visual & Performing Arts
This course provides a basic introduction to the elements of acting, including physical, vocal, spatial, textual analysis, and production foundations. It addresses some of the cross-cultural aspects of the art of acting, explores prominent theories of acting technique, and emphasizes solo works, both original and scripted. Improvisation is taught as both an end in itself and a tool for deepening the scripted acting experience.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Prerequisite: Digital Photography
Advanced Digital Photography further advances the skills established in Digital Photography and introduces the student to more complex and thought-provoking concepts in the world of picture making. This course is intended for those students who are serious about the study of digital photography and have a desire to improve their artistic and technical skills.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Prerequisite: Recording Arts
Students of this course study a more in-depth science and mechanics of digital audio recording and composition. This course expands on Recording Arts 1, focusing on digital recording systems and their relationships to electronic equipment used in the recording industry. The course equips students with the fundamental concepts and terminology necessary to pursue a career in the recording arts, and to establish an advanced skill set in Audio Production.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Prerequisite: Studio Art
Advanced Studio Art is designed to broaden a student’s understanding of artistic perception, creative expression, historical and cultural content, aesthetic valuing, and connections to the visual arts. Students will add original works to a growing portfolio that demonstrates growth in refined craftsmanship, and further mastery of techniques in the visual arts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Throughout U.S. history, how have African Americans helped shaped American culture? This course answers that question by tracing African Americans’ accomplishments and obstacles, beginning with the slave trade on up to the modern Civil Rights movement. Learn about the political, economic, social, religious, and cultural factors that have influenced African American life, meet individuals who changed the course of history, and explore how the African American story still influences current events.
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Pre-Algebra & Teacher Recommendation
The foundation of math, this course focuses both on computational competency and conceptual understanding with application. Topics include solving, graphing, and describing diverse equations, linear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, exponents and exponential functions, quadratic and polynomial functions, and data analysis.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
This course covers all Algebra 1 content over 2 years, providing the time and space for reinforcement without the pressure of completing the content in one year.
LENGTH: 2 Terms Per Year | LEVELS: E, P | NCAA, UC
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and Geometry
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Algebra 1 and Geometry
Students build on their foundation, comparing commonalities among families of functions including linear, quadratic, polynomial, radical, exponential, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions. Students are introduced to operations with complex numbers, trigonometric identities, and further statistical studies.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Students learn not only the technical aspects of signing such as technique, vocabulary, and grammar, but also about the culture of the Deaf Community. Students build their vocabulary and learn greetings and expressions.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: ASL 1
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in ASL 1
A continuation of American Sign Language Level 1. Students continue to develop expressive and receptive signing skills as well as learn additional vocabulary, grammar, history, fingerspelling, numbers, terminology, and Deaf culture concepts
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: ASL 2
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in ASL 2
This course builds on the foundation of skills and knowledge learned in American Sign Language II (ASL II). Its emphases on expansion and refinement of comprehension, production and interactional skills as covered in ASL 2. In addition to expanding their vocabulary, students will learn more complex grammatical features through narratives and dialogues.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: ASL 3
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in ASL 3
ASL 4 is a continuation of ASL III. The class will continue to focus on vocabulary expansion, idioms, manual and non-manual aspects of ASL, ASL linguistics, cross-cultural communication, and cultural knowledge at an advanced level. The goal is to provide students with the skills to communicate in a wider array of situations, to further develop their language fluency and to advance their level of comprehension of ASL in culturally appropriate ways.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: ASL 4
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in ASL 4
This course provides students with an opportunity to recognize the impact of Deaf Culture on emerging ASL literature. The course also covers non-fiction, poetry, and drama depicted in reading and videotapes related to everyday lives of deaf people. It develops insight and appreciation of deaf literature and its implications for deaf education. Original works will be studied, analyzed, and compared.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
(Life Science)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, 1 Year Lab Science
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Previous Lab Science
Whether you plan on pursuing a career in health sciences or simply looking to gain an understanding of how the human body works, you’ll first need to understand the relationship between anatomy and physiology. Learn how to read your body’s story through understanding cell structure and their processes, and discover the functions and purposes of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, and cardiovascular systems, as well as diseases that affect those systems.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Prior History Course or Teacher Recommendation
Students in this course study the major events, concepts, themes, and connections between various regions and civilizations from the earliest humans through the European Renaissance. Throughout the course, students focus on several major historical themes, including historical points of reference, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science/technology, and society.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Have you ever watched a cartoon or played a video game where the animation of characters captivated you so much you wanted to create your own? If so, it’s time to immerse yourself in the world of animation. Meet the industry players such as directors, animators, and 3D modelers. Develop your story by exploring design, the 12 principles of animation, creating a storyboard, and leveraging the tools of the trade. Let’s bring your story to life with animation!
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
What makes us human? Is it our ability to use language, tools, or technology? Trace the history of homosapiens and explore our evolutionary trail through an anthropologic lens to observe our movement from cave dwellers to modern humans. Learn how we forged our way and developed all of the things that make us humans, such as our cultures, languages, and religions.
Visual & Performing Arts
This course includes the history of art from ancient to modern time. Focus is given on how to view and talk about art using the appropriate terms and vocabulary. Students gain familiarity with the visual characteristics of art from many periods, as well as an understanding of how works of art, especially public ones, reflect the values of the society that produce them.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Designed to introduce students to the dynamic world of artificial intelligence (AI), this course offers an overview of AI technologies, their applications across various industries, and their potential impact on future academic and professional paths. Through interactive lessons, activities, and discussions, students will gain valuable insights into how AI is shaping the world around us and will prepare them for their own journey with it. The course explores critical thinking, creativity, and ethical considerations, equipping students with the knowledge to navigate and contribute to the evolving AI landscape.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
(Physical Science)
Prerequisite: Geometry, 1 Physical Lab Science
Honors Prerequisite: Algebra 2 and Grade B or Higher in Previous Lab Science
Ever wondered how the Earth developed and exists in the vastness of space? How do the scientific laws of motion and gravity play a role in its existence? Discover answers to these questions and explore the origin of the universe, the Milky Way, and other galaxies and stars, including the concepts of modern astronomy and the methods used by astronomers to learn more about the universe.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Big history weaves evidence and insights about the Universe and our place in it from many scientific and historical disciplines into a single, cohesive, science-based origin story.
(Life Science)
CoRequisite: Algebra 1
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Previous Lab Science
Not only do students learn the basics of how life works from cells to ecology, they now are able to investigate the impacts of their actions on our home planet using technology in the lab and in their greater community. Students are introduced to the rigors of the scientific method to gather and analyze reliable data, and begin to design their own experiments to solve real problems.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Biotechnology is a cutting-edge, high-demand field that encompasses everything from plant and animal breeding to genetics. Discover how biotechnology has changed the world around us, from food to genetics. Explore historical applications with modern discoveries. Understand how regulations and ethics govern the course of biotechnology and learn of its importance to the field of medicine.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus or Math Analysis with Trigonometry
This is a high school calculus course that introduces students to basic fundamentals of calculus, including the definition of a limit, a derivative, and integral. The course is focused on both computational fluency and business applications. Students are not expected to memorize most formulas, but are expected to analyze equations and apply formulas correctly, such as integrals and derivatives of linear functions, polynomials, logarithms, fractions, etc. In application, they will explore the concept of optimization, identifying knowns and unknowns, manipulating variables and equations, and ultimately interpreting the solution. Finally, students will study complex computations and applications of integration, including u-substitutions, and volume.
No matter what career you’re planning to pursue, excellent professional communication will be key to your success. Upgrade your abilities in speaking, listening, writing, using and reading body language, and communicating in teams and groups. Discover how to plan, create, and deliver business presentations and communicate through graphics. In no time, you’ll be communicating with confidence, stand out from your peers, and impress your employer.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Starting a business is more than just having a good idea. Successful entrepreneurs know how to use and apply fundamental business concepts to turn their ideas into thriving businesses. Explore topics such as identifying the best business structure, business functions and operations, finance, business laws, regulations, and more! If you have ever dreamed of making a business idea a reality, take the time to establish a solid foundation of business skills to make your business dreams come true!
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Whether you plan on starting your own business or being in charge of one, it is crucial you understand how to keep the company compliant. Explore what it means to run an ethical business, how to keep intellectual property, technology, and e-commerce safe and protected, understand insurance and taxes, and how to have a healthy workplace environment. Keep the business safe and growing by following the law.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
This course introduces students to the basic principles used in business mathematics. Students interpret and construct graphs and models for different scenarios such as investment, credit, revenue/profit, and data management. Additional topics include asset classes, loans, entrepreneurship, and market research.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P
Do you dream of a future where you can have creative freedom, working in an industry you love, where you can get up every morning excited about the day will bring? In this course, you’ll learn the skills you’ll need in order to take your dream and transform it into a successful business. You’ll explore foundations like generating ideas to qualifying opportunities, analyzing the market, and identifying skills for successful deployment. You’ll learn to keep your business rolling and growing through effective workplace leadership and training while incorporating technological innovations to keep your business competitive. Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality? Let’s get goaling!
LENGTH: 1 Term | UC
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus or Math Analysis with Trigonometry
Limits, derivatives, integrals, the meaning of the universe; the applications of calculus are far reaching in fields such as engineering and the sciences. College prep and honors start at the same place (limits and continuity), honors goes deeper and covers more content (Taylor and Maclaurin series); a strong background in Pre-Calculus topics is required.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Have you ever wondered what steps take place as people as they move through the court system? The criminal justice system is a very complex field that requires dedicated people willing to pursue equal justice for all. Explore different career choices and how the juvenile justice system, the correctional system, and the trial process all work together to maintain social order.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
(Physical Science)
Prequisite: Geometry, 1 Year Lab Science
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Previous Lab Science
Chemistry makes the invisible visible and explains how microscopic particles and interactions dictate the macroscopic world around us. Students study the atomic theory, molecular forces, and energetics that, when understood on a theoretical and practical level, begin to make sense of the world.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Have you ever wanted to create your own web page or wondered how your favorite websites were built? Explore the role technology plays in our lives as well as study the fundamentals of computer science, review hardware and software, and learn how the internet functions. Discover how to create and build your own website using HTML and CSS, and learn the basics of JavaScript and Python Programming. This course also covers data collection methods, access rights, protocols, and security. Have you ever wanted to create your own web page or wondered how your favorite websites were built? Explore the role technology plays in our lives as well as study the fundamentals of computer science, review hardware and software, and learn how the internet functions.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Computer Science Recommended
Have you ever wondered how your favorite software is created? Explore the software development life cycle from start to finish while developing your own programming skills with Python. Explore the power of data and algorithms along with their influence on the world. Launch yourself into the endless possibilities a career as a programmer can bring you!
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Computer Programming 1 or Teacher Approval
Congratulations; you’re speaking a different language! A programming language that is. But do you want to learn more? Discover the most popular programming languages and what they have to offer the software world. Explore data, algorithms, and objectives and how they are essential to language ‘speak’. Learn the software development life cycle and how it can be implemented so you can create projects, such as a prototype for an app you’ll code and a working to-do list website.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
In this course, you are going to pull back the veil on what goes into some of the technology we use every day. You will investigate computer hardware and software and learn what goes into building a computer while exploring programs and applications, you’ll study the history of the internet and how to use its capabilities even more effectively, and you’ll also dive deep into email and some of today’s most powerful processing tools. Get ready to really know the technology you have at your fingertips so you can continue to make it work for you!
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
(Physical Science)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, 1 Year Lab Science
This course covers all of the same concepts as Chemistry, including measurement, lab technique, atomic theory, kinetics, forces and reactions, and nuclear chemistry; it simplifies the more challenging mathematics. Students investigate the same topics and complete identical or comparable labs to meet the same learning outcomes through a more qualitative and accessible learning experience. This course emphasizes chemistry applications such as food science, health, and medicine.
(Physical Science)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, 1 Year Lab Science
This course covers all of the same concepts as Physics, including motion, energy, forces, thermodynamics, electricity, and quantum physics; it simplifies the more challenging mathematics. Students investigate the same topics and complete identical or comparable labs to meet the same learning outcomes through a more qualitative and accessible learning experience.
Students continue to develop math skills and explore how mathematics is used in their daily lives. Themes of the course include budgeting, banking, spending, income and taxation. The course focuses on building numeracy through applications and activities that focus on modeling real world scenarios with mathematics, such as: analyzing a paystub, calculating tax liability, researching fin-tech, and building budgets.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P
Prerequisite: United States History Recommended
Controversies in American Politics provides an overview of historical and contemporary political, social, and economic issues within the United States. Students learn the background of the issue, as well as multiple perspectives to formulate their own opinions. Students are expected to write extensively using primary and secondary sources in independently-guided research.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: English 10 or Teacher Approval
Students tap into their own creativity and experience the joys of writing original text. Participants explore various forms of writing, such as short story, poetry, drama, narrative and biography, while delving into the common themes of humanity and various truths of human nature. Students experience the recursive nature of writing and painlessly build skills in the conventions and tools of traditional English grammar and sentence structure that will strengthen them in all their future writing tasks.
Why do certain people commit horrible acts? Can we ever begin to understand their reasoning and motivation? Perhaps. The mental state of a criminal can be affected by many different aspects of life: psychological, biological, sociological, all of which have different perspectives and influences. Investigate not only how these variables affect the criminal mind but also how crimes are investigated and handled in the criminal justice system.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
A: Thinking of a career in the food-service industry or looking to develop your culinary skills? Explore basic cooking and knife skills while preparing you for entry into the culinary world. Discover the history of food culture, food service, and global cuisines while learning about food science principles and preservation. Prepare for your future by building the professional, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills that are crucial to a career in the culinary arts.
B: Did you know that baking is considered a science? Discover how to elevate your culinary skills through the creation of stocks, soups, sauces, and learn baking techniques. Examine sustainable food practices and the benefits of nutrition while maintaining taste, plating, and presentation to truly wow your guests. Explore careers in the culinary arts for ways to channel your newfound passion! Students will need to provide their own materials for cooking activities.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Honors Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
Cultural Geography examines people, places, and environments on local, regional, national and international scales. Students will be provided the opportunity to study the interaction of people, their cultural perspectives and the physical environments they inhabit.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Students enrolled in Deaf Studies explore the history of deaf culture in the United States. By the conclusion of this course, students have developed an understanding of Deaf history and culture and are ready to be advocates for the Deaf community.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
A: Discover your talent for building digital media applications using text, graphics, animations, sounds, videos, and more! Learn about the elements that make impressive media, such as typography, color theory, design, and manipulation. Explore careers to apply your digital media skills and find your place in this fast-paced and exciting field!
B: Let’s polish your digital media skills and help you learn all about web design. Incorporate your creative ideas into websites and discover the basics of marketing to understand how your work can be used effectively. You’ll also explore the world of podcasts and audio editing to construct a solid foundation from which you can pursue a career in this exciting field.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Digital Photography is an introductory course designed to help students become well rounded in the fundamentals of digital photography. Within this class, students will learn to use a DSLR camera, become familiar with the basic terminology and elements of photography, and understand how to use photo editing software to enhance the overall appearance of their images.
1: LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
2, 3, 4: LENGTH: 2 Terms | ONE LEVEL
Visual & Performing Arts
This course encourages students to explore the elements of drawing techniques. Upon completion of this course, students will have developed mastery in concepts, composition and execution of their own ideas. Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the elements of art including texture, form shape, line and value. Students should also achieve a complete understanding of the principles of art including movement unity, harmony balance, contrast, proportion, pattern and rhythm.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Discover the joys of providing exceptional childcare and helping to develop future generations. Learn the importance of play and use it to build engaging educational activities that build literacy and math skills through each stage of childhood and special need. Use this knowledge to develop your professional skills well suited to a career in childcare.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
(Physical Science)
CoRequisite: Algebra 1
This course builds on the fundamentals of geology, meteorology, oceanography, astronomy, and Earth’s structure and resources. Students also learn the rigors of the scientific method and proper laboratory techniques and procedures; this is a great choice for a student’s first high school laboratory class.
Honors Prerequisite: United States History or United States Government, Grade B or Higher
Students master fundamental economic concepts, applying the tools (graphs, statistics, and equations) from other subject areas to the understanding of operations and institutions of economic systems. Studied in a historic context are the basic economic principles of micro and macroeconomics, international economics, comparative economic systems, measurement, and methods.
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Discover how technology has changed the world around us by pursuing technological solutions to everyday problems. While using scientific and engineering methods, learn how electricity, electronic systems, magnets, and circuits work. Understand the design process and bring your ideas to life. Explore how engineering advances your ideas and the world!
Honors Prerequisite: English 8 with Grade B or Higher
Students develop foundational skills in speaking, listening and academic research while developing and honing reading comprehension and language usage skills.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Honors Prerequisite: English 9 with Grade B or Higher
English 10 students continue to develop literacy-related skills including: speaking and listening, academic research, higher-order reading comprehension, language usage, and written and rhetorical literary analysis. Students exercise critical thinking through the reading and analysis of various works of literature and multiple short- and extended-length writing assignments.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Honors Prerequisite: English 10 with Grade B or Higher
Students hone their emerging comprehension, analysis, and writing skills through a study of literature while incorporating a variety of writing styles including creative writing and personal essays.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Honors Prerequisite: English 11 with Grade B or Higher
English 12 students achieve mastery of the skills related to listening and speaking, academic research, higher-order reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, and critical thinking. Students study classical literature and modern works. Students engage in the cycle of writing, workshopping, and revising required of writers in order to produce polished final works.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
(Life Science)
Prerequisite: Geometry, 1 Year Lab Science
This advanced course is dedicated to understanding the interactions between Earth’s natural systems and the demands placed on them by the human population. Students explore natural phenomena and resource cycles, how we use and impact these systems, and potential solutions for the resulting consequences of resource mismanagement and exploitation. No matter where you live, there is plenty to study in your local environment all the way to the entire biosphere.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Personal Development
Executive Skills is a two-term Personal Development course that supports the development of key executive functioning skills that impact the daily lives of students. This course is individualized based on the unique strengths and areas of growth for the student determined by formal assessment, student and family surveys, and interviews. Based on a review of these points of information, 7-9 of the 11 skills are identified for focused development during the two semesters of this course. Executive Skills empowers students to take control of their experiences through knowledge, strategies, practice, and real-life application.
Visual & Performing Arts
Are you a fashion trend follower? Are you drawn to how designers have pulled together fabrics and colors to create memorable pieces? Do you dream of designing your own line of clothing or accessories? Learn what it takes to get started in the fashion industry, from the careers available to new technology and trends reshaping the industry every day. Start creating!
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Fiber arts is a broad category of creative expression using materials that consist of fibers, including things such as fabric, yarn, and thread. This course is designed to introduce the student to a specific fiber art of their choice, such as embroidery, crochet, quilting, knitting, bead embroidery, cross-stitch, needlepoint, weaving, felting, macramé, lace making, latchhook/rug hooking, basketry, and sewing.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Film Studies develops understanding of the impact of film across the world and throughout history. Students become familiar with the basic terminology and elements of film-making and narrative structure to improve their critical thinking, as well as their ability to communicate critical responses to films. In-depth study of several movements in film will broaden the student’s knowledge of the medium’s history and evolution. Students will analyze films and study filmmakers from various cultures and eras.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Fingerprints. Blood spatters. Gunshot residue. If these things intrigue you rather than scare you, then forensic science may be for you. Explore the riveting job of crime scene analysis, and learn the techniques and practices applied during a crime scene investigation, including how clues and data are recorded and preserved. Discover how technology is applied to make discoveries and bring criminals to justice.
World Languages
This course introduces students to the language, culture, and grammar of French and French-speaking countries. It covers basic conversation, verbs, grammar, cultural similarities and differences, listening, speaking, and writing in French.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: French 1
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in French 1
French 2 furthers knowledge of French language, culture, and grammar acquired in French 1. It covers basic conversation, verbs, grammar, cultural similarities and differences, listening, speaking, and writing in French.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: French 2
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in French 2
French 3 furthers knowledge of French language, culture, and grammar acquired in French 2. It delves into the subtleties of French culture and covers many of the grammar points that are unique to the French language.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: French 3
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in French 3
French 4 is an advanced French course designed to further the knowledge of French language, culture, and grammar. It delves into the subtleties of French history from Ancient times to Napoleon Bonaparte, making emphasis on grammar and immersion.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: French 4
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in French 4
French 5 is an advanced French course designed to further the knowledge of French language, culture, and grammar. Greater emphasis is on reading and writing in French.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Does your love of video games motivate you to pursue a career in this field? Pursue your passion by learning about the principles of game design through the stages of development, iterative process, critiques, and game development tools. Put these new skills to work by designing your own game!
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Are you ready to enter this multi-billion-dollar industry and start applying your technical skills into a compelling package that will catch the eye of an employer? Beginning with conceptualization and the design process, you’ll develop your game’s story elements, narrative, plot, characters, and assets. Using game design software, you’ll bring your game to life by applying lighting, audio, visual effects, player choice options, AI, and consider the type of controls to use for your game. Build a world players can get immersed in.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Algebra 1
Students make conjecture about geometric situations and prove, formally and informally, that their conclusion follows logically from a hypothesis. While integrating transformational and coordinate approaches to geometry, students will justify geometric relationships and properties of geometric figures.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
German 1 is an entry-level course designed to introduce students to the language, culture, and grammar of Germany and German-speaking countries. It covers basic conversation, verbs, grammar, cultural similarities and differences, listening, speaking, and writing in German.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: German 1
German 2 furthers students’ knowledge of the language, culture, and grammar of Germany and German-speaking countries.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: German 2
Students continue their studies in German language and culture by building their communication skills across areas of culture, grammar, and community. This course offers a comprehensive sampling of cultures and dialects across many German cities and the major German-speaking nations.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: German 3
Students build proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and apply their skills in contemporary real-world contexts. By the end of the course, students will be able to engage in spontaneous conversation and accurately interpret and voice opinions on written and spoken German language.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: German 4
German 5 is an advanced German course designed to further the knowledge of German language, culture, and grammar. Greater emphasis is on reading and writing in German.
Personal Development
Prerequisite: World History or Cultural Geography
Global Perspectives is a two-semester journey into the systems that pervade our lives in the modern-day and how these systems both enable and disable growth. By looking into discrepancies at the global and local levels we can learn to analyze why global critical issues seem so intertwined and how each individual can make an impact.
It was a dark and stormy night, and the vampires, ghouls, and undead were on the prowl... Gothic Literature is riddled with the spooky, but did you know that this genre is so much more than a scary form of entertainment? In Gothic Literature, you’ll learn about how some of the world’s greatest authors from the 19th century through today used Gothic elements to tackle issues that needed serious attention: the class system, gender norms, racism, social injustice, and more! Grab your monster gear and explore why Gothic literature has retained its appeal even with today’s audiences.
Visual & Performing Arts
Graphic Design provides students an understanding of the powerful role Graphic Design plays in shaping the way we see the world. The course instructs students in the language, elements, and practice of Graphic Design. Students will leave the course with an appreciation for the historical significance and modern usage of Graphic Design, as well as tools to create their own unique design pieces.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Guitar 2 Prerequisite: Guitar 1
This course is for anyone who has ever wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Whether students are an absolute beginner or intermediate level player, each will be at home with the methods used in this class. Students will learn how to play chords and melodies, develop an appreciation for iconic guitarists, read standard notation and tablature, and play the songs they know and love.
Mini Courses
Algebra 2 Prep is designed for students to review Algebra 1 content so that they are ready to thrive in Algebra 2. Students strengthen foundational skills and build confidence as a result of their work in this mini course.
Mini Courses
Artificial Intelligence Applications is perfect for the student who is already somewhat familiar with AI. This mini-course allows students to take a deeper dive into specific applications and uses to pursue AI’s relevance to their personal interests.
Mini Courses
In this course, students will investigate the differences between real forensic science and how forensic science is portrayed in the media. Students will learn about forensic techniques in the following areas: fingerprinting, photography, crime scene processing, impression evidence, and forensic anthropology. After learning the techniques, students will be exposed to different scenes from shows and films allowing them to discuss the accuracy of the techniques presented in the media.
Mini Courses
An awesome introduction to artificial intelligence (AI). Get hands-on with AI applications, see how it’s changing the internet, and find out how it may shape your future. It’s all about cool projects, big ideas, and getting ready for its increasing presence in our high-tech world – come explore AI with us!
Mini Courses
The Media and Politics course seeks to explore and raise awareness about the bias and ideology present in media. Without endorsing any political viewpoints, our course will survey the current state of affairs and examine ideas of “fake news” as well as the history of telecommunications and the media. We’ll also delve into the ways that history and current events are shaped by government language, political organizations, and representatives of media.
Mini Courses
Our Studio Art course is designed to develop artistic expression. Students will explore chosen subjects in various styles and mediums as they bring their art visions to life. Find your inspiration as an emerging artist or simply use your creativity and have fun!
Mini Courses
This mini course takes students on the exciting journey of novel writing. Here, students will learn to get started, hone their craft, and understand the self-publishing process. The major focus of the course will be story development, character arcs, and, most importantly, keeping your readers engaged! Let’s start this novel-writing journey
Personal Development
Health equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to establish patterns of behavior that will prepare them in living a healthful lifestyle.
World Languages
This is an entry-level course in Modern Hebrew. It is a rigorous and fast-paced curriculum designed to introduce students to the language and culture of the people of Israel. It covers basic conversation, vocabulary, and grammar. The main goal of this course is to provide a sufficient level of reading fluency. Most students completing this course sequence will be able to decode successfully and engage in beginning dialogue dealing with familiar topics.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Hebrew 1
This course will strengthen the students’ knowledge of grammatical and syntactical structures, and improve their mastery of the language, while increasing vocabulary and functional communicative ability. Most students successfully completing this sequence can emerge with a proficiency level of “intermediate high” depending on motivation, effort, and diligence.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Hebrew 2
Students continue to advance their vocabulary and grammar, primarily through studying everyday events like going to restaurants or birthday parties. Additionally, students will study Israeli and Jewish culture.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Hebrew 3
Students develop dialogue skills and study Israeli culture through reading Israeli literature and following current events.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Personal Development
Your future career is likely something you’ve dreamed about since you were a child. Now it’s time to turn that dream into a reality! In this course, you will explore your own strengths, interests, and preferences and use that information to uncover the best career for you! You will explore 17 career clusters, learn about the skills needed to work in different industries, and choose a path to pursue. You’ll build a plan to get you from high school to your first day on the job, and craft a strong portfolio to land your perfect job. You’ve dreamed about your future career. Now it’s time to create a plan and turn that dream into a goal!
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Prerequisite: Studio Art Recommended
Illustration is an advanced course where students will create projects that explore the art techniques, methods, materials, mediums, and genres of illustration art. Students will create their own comprehensive planning sketchbook and refined illustrations that teach an understanding of composition, perspective, color theory, light physics, rendering, environment creation, human anatomy and proportion, and digital art development. While learning about and completing illustration tasks, students will also explore different genres and careers in illustration, including children’s literature illustration, concept art, environment design, character design, and sequential art illustration.
LENGTH: 2 terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Pre-Algebra and Teacher Recommendation
Integrated Math I is the first course in a 3-year sequence that integrates algebra and geometry topics in the context of real world applications, while deepening numerical manipulation and reasoning skills. Students strengthen their algebra skills, including use of variables, expressions, equations, ratios, proportions, and percentages; they formalize these relationships as functions and graphs, learning to identify and analyze key points. Geometrically, students deepen their understanding of shapes through the study of perimeter, area, and transformations of polygons. Finally, students build on data and statistics primarily through measures of central tendency.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Prerequisite: Integrated Math 1 or Algebra 1
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Integrated Math 1 or Algebra 1
The second course in a three-year sequence, Integrated Math 2 emphasizes traditional geometric topics while building algebraic and statistical skills. Students study lines, angles, triangles, polygons, and are introduced to trigonometry, building on their right-triangle studies from the first year. Students use shapes to study ratios and proportions, build reasoning skills through proofs, and strengthen exponent, polynomial, and factoring skills. This course also covers permutations and combinations, randomness, and probability distribution.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Prerequisite: Integrated Math 2 or Geometry
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Integrated Math 2 or Geometry
Integrated Math 3 is the final course in the three-year sequence covering the fundamentals of algebra, geometry, and statistics. Students learn techniques to gather, manipulate, and analyze data. Algebraic concepts include linear equations and inequalities, systems, quadratics, polynomials, and rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students study trigonometric functions more deeply and with an eye for manipulation. Students also cover arithmetic and geometric sequences and series.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Do you have a flair for designing and decorating? If so, then let’s learn how to turn your interests and skills into a career. Explore color, texture, trends, and styles over time, how homes are built, and “green” options for homes and businesses. Interior designers do it all—from planning the color scheme to choosing furniture and light fixtures—with the end goal of creating a space where people can live or work comfortably, safely, and happily.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
World Languages
Students will learn the fundamentals of Italian grammar and pronunciation, how to converse on a limited scale about everyday topics, and how to write and understand Italian within the limits of the grammatical structures and vocabulary introduced in the course. Emphasis will be placed upon communication, and students will be exposed to some of the culture of Italy. Requires active participation in instructor-coordinated multimedia and online activities.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Italian 1
The student will learn the basics of navigating Italian language and culture. Students will build on previous skills in the areas of grammar and vocabulary, and will expand to new tenses, while also continuing to cover culture, regions, and history of Italy.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Italian 2
Italian 3 is a dynamic and engaging course that takes the student through daily life and current events in Italy, allowing for an interactive approach to learning the language. Students engage in a variety of conversations and activities that will lead to a higher level of comprehension and fluency.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Japanese 1 is an entry-level but rigorous Japanese course designed to introduce students to the language, culture, and grammar of Japanese. It covers basic conversation, verbs, grammar, cultural similarities and differences, listening, speaking, and writing in Japanese, with an emphasis on grammar, listening, and speaking.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Japanese 1
Japanese 2 is designed to further the knowledge of Japanese language, culture, and grammar acquired in Japanese 1. It covers basic conversation, verbs, grammar, cultural similarities and differences, listening, speaking, and writing in Japanese.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Japanese 2
Japanese 3 is a rigorous course designed to further the knowledge of Japanese language, culture, and grammar acquired in Japanese 1 and 2. It delves into the subtleties of Japanese culture and covers many of the grammar points that are unique to the Japanese language.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Japanese 3
Japanese 4 furthers a student’s fluency within Japanese. This semester focuses on real-world usage of Japanese regarding culture, reading, writing, and listening. It allows the students to communicate with more complex sentence structure and vocabulary.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Japanese 4
Japanese 5 utilizes culture and conversation as its basis. Throughout this advanced course, students will practice their writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills as it applies to Japanese culture, films, and texts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
This course takes students through the changing field of journalism, the place of the press in democracy and the difference journalists can make in the lives of others. Students read, participate in active discussions, and write and produce quality pieces.
Personal Development
This course is for juniors who are exploring post-secondary options: including 2 and 4-year colleges, GAP year, and/or career exploration. This course is a prerequisite for senior seminar and will support and guide students regarding this overall process. Some topics to be explored include; career assessments, college research websites and resources, essay tools, testing whether applicable, resume building, and social-emotional activities. Some of the content will vary based on fall or spring term.
World Languages
Students will receive an introduction to Korean culture, listening, writing, speaking, and reading. This beginning course focuses on introductory vocabulary and Hangeul as well as basic grammatical structures. Students will also learn key elements of Korean culture such as formalities and holidays.
World Languages
Prerequisite: Korean 1
Students will continue their studies in Korean culture and language. Korean 2 implements more dialogue and comparisons between cultures as well as real-world applications of the language. Students will gain more Korean fluency regarding reading, writing, listening, and speaking as they progress through the course.
World Languages
Prerequisite: Korean 2
Students will continue their studies in Korean focusing on more complex levels of speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Diving more deeply into cultural elements, students will advance their understanding of the Korean language.
World Languages
Students will study foundational grammar and vocabulary to be able to read simple passages. Students draw connections between Latin and English vocabulary, prefixes, and study literature, geography, history, government, and culture of the Roman Empire.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Latin 1
Latin 2 introduces all of the verb tenses and noun/adjective forms. This course is enhanced by a variety of fun readings adapted from Roman literature that demonstrate the philosophies developed by the Romans.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Latin 2
In addition to furthering grammar and vocabulary, students learn through readings about the end of the Republic and establishment of the Empire.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Latin 3
Students learn about the changes made by Augustus, and study primarily Latin poetry and prose. Students learn the influence the Romans had on their own culture and the world.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Personal Development
In this one-term course, students will learn how to prepare and step into Leadership opportunities. This course will smooth the transition from individual contributor to supervisor to leader. The course will teach basics and gain insights into the more advanced aspects of leadership needed to inspire and motivate teams by having students complete a leadership project.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
This course develops a student’s ability to function in the three domains: Academic, Career, and Personal/Social. This curriculum builds character assets, which foster resiliency and personal growth, as well as prepares the student for their future success. Throughout the class, the student will gain a realistic portrayal of an autonomous lifestyle and the skills necessary to be independent and self-sufficient.
From the shift managers at small businesses to the CEOs of large companies, effective management is key to any organization’s success. Explore foundational management concepts such as leadership, managing teams, entrepreneurship, global business, finance, and technology and innovation. Engage in a capstone that pulls all of the concepts you’ve learned together, allowing you to see how management ideas can be applied to a business case study. Get started with learning the fundamentals of successful management.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
World Languages
This entry-level course covers the basics of Chinese Mandarin, including pronunciation, grammar fundamentals, the Pinyin system, sentence pattern and structure, and vocabulary. Topics include greetings, names, nationalities, studies, introductions, time and schedules, and food.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Mandarin 1
This course continues to develop the foundation of sentence structure, idiomatic expressions, and listening, speaking, and written competence in Mandarin. Students learn to make requests, to discuss hobbies and sports, weather and seasons, travel, future plans, and the arts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Mandarin 2
Students continue to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and written competencies through studies of Chinese culture, finances, fitness, and health.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Mandarin 3
Students continue to build skills through meaningful communication for functional and pragmatic purposes in China. Students also build more cultural awareness.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Mandarin 4
Students are prepared practically to achieve concrete linguistic and cultural skills that will allow for real-life interaction and highly dynamic communication with the people of China as college students or working professionals. This course is entirely immersive and emphasizes reading authentic Chinese literature.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
(Life Science)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Biology
Have you ever wondered about the secrets of the deep and the creatures below the ocean’s surface? It is truly a new frontier of discovery. Begin to better understand the aquatic cycles, structures, and processes that generate and sustain life in the sea. You’ll use scientific inquiry, research, and problem-solving to conduct various scientific procedures and become a more capable marine scientist.
Explore the fast-paced and exciting world of marketing! Learn about the role of marketing in business in addition to the basics of business management, customer service, and economics. Examine how to identify target markets, perform market research, and develop successful marketing strategies. Discover the legal and ethical considerations of business and marketing, along with the impact of government on business.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Algebra 2
Students build on Algebra 2 and trigonometry topics covered in previous classes. This course covers transcendental functions, parametric and polar equations, sequences and series, vectors, matrices, and conic sections. This course adequately prepares students for calculus.
Personal Development
During this class, students will work to sharpen their math skills. Alongside ALEKS, a McGraw Hill product, students will utilize self-driven curriculum to increase their math and problem-solving skills while developing executive functioning.
Prerequisite: Algebra 2
This course focuses on Algebra skills to prepare for college level math courses. Students review concepts and expand upon topics from Algebra 1 and Algebra 2: Linear Equations and Inequalities, Linear Functions and Graphs (with systems), Properties of Exponents, Polynomials and Their Functions, Factoring, Rational and Radical Functions, Quadratic Equations and Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, and Conic Sections.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Prior History Course or Teacher Recommendation
Students study major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Have you ever heard a music piece that made you want to get up and dance, sing, or even cry? Regardless of the genre, music moves us. Explore the elements and pieces of music. And learn through the historical context, musicians and composers, and influence of music from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, on how to listen and really hear the different music that makes up our world.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Music Theory 2 Prerequisite: Music Theory 1
Music Theory 3 Prerequisite: Music Theory 2
Music Theory 4 Prerequisite: Music Theory 3
This course will take the student into the theoretical concepts of harmony. Coursework includes a complete study of intervals, chord construction, chord voicing, harmonized scales and modes of the major, melodic minor, harmonic minor, and diminished scales emphasizing instrumental application.
1: LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | UC
2, 3, 4: LENGTH: 2 Terms | ONE LEVEL
Since the beginning of time, people have gathered around fires to tell stories of angry gods, harrowing journeys, cunning animals, horrible beasts, and the mighty heroes who vanquished them. Mythology and folklore have provided a way for these colorful stories to spring to life for thousands of years and helped humans make sense of the world. Explore how these compelling tales continue to shape society even today.
Personal Development
To keep our body and our mind running like finely tuned machines, we need to use the right fuel. For humans, that means nourishing our bodies with the right foods. In this course, you’ll explore how food affects essential aspects of your life from your weight to how you age to how well you think. You’ll also examine how outside influences- family, peers, and the media- can affect your diet and your perception of food and how to set yourself up for nutritional success. Are you interested in a career in holistic wellness? Start your health journey now with Nutrition and Wellness.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
This one-to-one course is designed to equip students to make a successful transition from the physical education instructional program to participation in physical activity during adulthood.
Personal Development
Students may enroll in an off-campus independent PE. This course must be supervised and documented by a fitness expert for the requisite number of hours per semester. This course is graded as pass/fail.
Personal Development
This course is designed to introduce students, safely and accessibly, to the basic postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods of yoga. Students will begin to experience the benefits of stretching, moving, and breathing freely as they relieve built up stress, learn to relax, and ultimately get more out of day-to-day life. The aim of this course is to promote vibrant health and to tap the body’s latent energy reserves.
Visual & Performing Arts
This one-term course explores the elements of techniques with emphasis upon observation, imagination, experimentation, and composition. Students will learn basic as well as advanced painting techniques and will develop intense skill-development in color theory and brush techniques alongside painting history and theory. Students gain an understanding of different paint mediums and the characteristics of each. Students study the different movements in art, and the important figures in each. The class will use a sketchbook and will take virtual field trips to museums as well as complete final paintings.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
Are you a great listener and love to help people achieve their goals? The role of a peer counselor is a rewarding one. Learn the skills of observation, listening, and empathic communication that counselors need, while also discovering basic training in conflict resolution and group leadership. You’ll learn how to be a great peer counselor, but also how to communicate effectively in personal and work relationships.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
We all know money is essential in life, and the financial decisions you make today may have a lasting effect on your future. Explore how to spend and save your money wisely, and learn key financial concepts around taxes, credit, and money management. Discover how education, career choices, and financial planning can lead you in the right direction to making your life simpler, steadier, and more enjoyable.
Prerequisite: English 10, World History, or Cultural Geography
This introductory course includes the major concerns of Western philosophy. Topics include: the question of ethics, metaphysics, the philosophy of religion, and the theory of knowledge. Through an examination of the evolution of key philosophical issues, students will also learn how arguments are formed, how new theories are developed from philosophical debate, and how through disagreement a greater understanding of complex topics can occur.
(Physical Science)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Physical Science is the study of matter and energy. While enrolled in this course students will explore concepts related to both physics and chemistry.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
(Physical Science)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and Geometry, Algebra 2 Recommended
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Previous Lab Science
This rigorous physics course explores major concepts in physics both conceptually and mathematically. While not calculus-based, students should be highly competent in formula manipulation and all major mathematical operations. Topics include Newtonian Mechanics such as motion, forces, and conservation of energy, as well as thermodynamics, waves, electricity, and magnetism.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Students will learn the basic skills needed to play the piano successfully, both in reading from a score and playing off of a lead sheet. Students will learn elementary theory (music notation, rhythm, key signatures, major and minor scales, chord structure and type, and basic chord progressions). Towards the end of the year students will be exposed to the technique of improvisation and by the end of the course students will learn how to critique their own music and the music of others using the correct vocabulary.
Students participate in close readings of selected poems from multiple genres. By examining the work of a diverse group of poets, students develop methods of critiquing while reinforcing understanding of poetic devices. Substantial time is spent analyzing poetry as well as using poetic devices in their own writing.
Visual & Performing Arts
This course prepares the student to develop a creative portfolio of student work representing a selection of performance(s) in music or art. Students illustrate unique talent and personality in a professional works portfolio through the collection and organization of pieces. This course may be leveraged to prepare a portfolio for post-secondary admissions.
Prerequisite: Psychology Recommended
Positive Psychology is designed to explore a balanced, more complete view of human functioning by including both positive and negative views of reality. This course will delve into the growing field of positive psychology through many pioneering contributions, through reflections on current events and research, and through personal mini-experiments and life enhancement strategies.
Pre-Algebra prepares students for Algebra 1. The course covers five main areas of mathematics: the number system, expressions and equations, functions, geometry, and statistics and probability. Students extend their fundamental knowledge of algebraic concepts to include the concept of a function, and to extrapolate to make predictions using data.
Prerequisite: Algebra 2
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Algebra 2
Students master concepts including complex numbers, polar coordinates, systems of equations, matrices, and limits. This course prepares students for calculus by providing an introduction to limits and derivatives.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? Or how our behavior changes as we age? Psychology can give you the answers! Trace the development of personality and behavior from infancy through adulthood. Are you ready to explore the world of human behavior? Explore all that psychology can offer to help you to truly understand the human experience.
Personal Development
Students work to hone their reading and writing skills in this research-driven, innovative program. Using Lexia PowerUp and extensive emphasis on mentoring, teachers support students as they combine metacognitive and executive functioning skills with direct literacy support. Using SVR research, students will focus on strengthening their Word Study, Grammar, and Comprehension skills.
Visual & Performing Arts
Recording Arts 2 Prerequisite: Recording Arts 1
Recording Arts 3 Prerequisite: Recording Arts 2
Recording Arts 4 Prerequisite: Recording Arts 3
Students study the science and mechanics of digital recording. This course lays theoretical groundwork in acoustics and their relationships to electronic equipment used in the recording industry. The course equips students with the fundamental concepts and terminology necessary to pursue a career in the recording arts, and to establish a foundation for higher-level courses in the audio programs.
1: LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
2, 3, 4: LENGTH: 2 Terms | ONE LEVEL
This course provides students the necessary knowledge and skills needed to compose and edit a variety of expository documents, including academic essays, research papers, and business documents. Students utilize technology and collaboration as tools in the writing process, and set and meet goals for their writing.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
The Roadtrip Nation experience is about engaging students with their future. Through the power of storytelling, students gain insight into career paths by watching (and eventually conducting) interviews. These interviews are of leaders in the world who are successful doing what they love and living passionate lives. Students learn about themselves, how they perceive themes such as success, failure, and risk, and explore their interests by connecting them to pathways.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Algebra 1; Computer Science Recommended
Are you fascinated with how machines work? Robots are machines, and they are all around us, from helping doctors in surgeries to helping to keep our homes clean. Explore the physics, mechanics, motion, and the engineering design and construction aspects used to develop robots. Learn how models are created through both sketches and software. Discover STEM careers and the education needed to enter this high-demand field.
Screenwriting provides writers the opportunity to develop a short script or the first act of a feature length screenplay while increasing use and knowledge of individual voice, three-act structure, Hero’s Journey steps, and screenwriting technical skills. Students will focus on dialogue writing, tone, creating character, mood, and conflict, and creating a story arc that encompasses elements of a plot line.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
Prerequisite: Life Skills or Post-Secondary Exploration
Senior Capstone culminates the high school experience for Fusion students. Students create and present their senior portfolio showcasing their growth and plans for the future. Students also challenge themselves with personal finance and prepare for their next step in the worlds of academia and career.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
This course will support and guide students towards life after high school (whether they do the 2-4 year college track, gap year, career planning, employment, etc.) In addition, GAP year, career planning and/or employment is part of the research and larger conversation depending on each individual student. An individual plan and timeline are dependent on each student, and the hallmark of this course. The time of year will also create a detailed focus depending on the student’s goals, and timeline. Some activities and topics will include the application process, testing recommendations, essay tips, resume building, essays, scholarships, and overall guiding students throughout this journey. Social-emotional supports and activities are also embedded throughout.
Students learn how to create societal impact through Social Entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship is described as the discovery and sustainable exploration of opportunities to create social change. Students are guided through the process of identifying an opportunity to address social problems through the uses of their newly developed business skills.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
This course explores the many social justice issues facing the United States and the world today and empowers students to approach a social justice issue and create a sustainable action plan. A primary goal of the first semester is to offer the students an all-encompassing view of inequality in our society by examining major issues such as racism, privilege, and oppression across historical and cultural boundaries. The second semester of this course expands upon this foundation by providing a closer look at more micro social justice issues.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: United States History Recommended
Human beings are complex creatures, and when we interact and begin to form relationships and societies, things become even more complicated. Are we more likely to act differently in a group than we will when we’re alone? How do we learn how to be “human”? Examine answers to these questions and many more as you explore culture, group behavior, and societal institutions and how they affect human behavior.
Visual & Performing Arts
A great song needs more than a beat and a talented singer, it needs structure and powerful words. Learn how to craft a song using form and lyrics, as well as other collaborative techniques used by all kinds of artists.
World Languages
Spanish 1 is an entry-level Spanish course designed to introduce students to the language, culture, and grammar of Spanish and Spanish-speaking countries. It covers basic conversations, verbs, grammar, cultural similarities and differences, listening, speaking, and writing in Spanish.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Spanish 1
Spanish 2 continues to increase knowledge of the language, culture, and grammar of Spanish-speaking countries. Language skills are increased through oral communication, reading, and by introducing advanced grammatical concepts.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Spanish 2
Spanish 3 emphasizes Spanish grammar, reading, writing, and oral communication. Students also study in depth the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. The course focuses on researching current events in those Latin American countries.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Spanish 3
Spanish 4 builds on the knowledge of language, culture, and grammar from previous years, delving into the subtleties of Spanish culture, writers from different generations, and different styles of writing. Also included is a study of the history and culture of each author’s native country. Students are required to do independent research and creative writing.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
World Languages
Prerequisite: Spanish 4
This course is entirely immersive, and students will study the history and current events of Spanish-speaking countries through literature, periodicals, documentaries, and projects.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
The bright lights. The roaring crowds. The chants and cheers and applause. If you are drawn to the electricity of large events and the challenge of making events successful, a career in sports and entertainment marketing may be for you! In this course, you will trace the development of these industries, dissect their dual nature, and discover what it takes to pitch, promote, and deliver on these services. You’ll also explore the necessary steps to chart your own career path from among the professional roles that these industries need to operate. Let’s get off the sidelines and hop into the primetime of the sporting and entertainment worlds!
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Algebra; Algebra 2 Recommended
A fascinating advanced math course for the student looking to take a break from traditional graphs and functions, and learn to intelligently interpret and discuss data. Students learn how to use data, statistics, and probability to make inferences about populations, as well as the limitations and common pitfalls in data analysis. The formulas can be long and challenging, but the concepts are always rooted in real-world applications.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Studio Art 2 Prerequisite: Studio Art 1
Studio Art 3 Prerequisite: Studio Art 2
Studio Art 4 Prerequisite: Studio Art 3
Studio Art 5 Prerequisite: Studio Art 4
Studio Art is an introductory art course that provides the foundation for art appreciation and production. Students participate in and are exposed to the elements and principles of art, techniques, art history, and criticism through hands-on creation.
1: LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
2, 3, 4, 5: LENGTH: 2 Terms | ONE LEVEL
Personal Development
Study Skills guides students through a series of units beginning with a self exploration of current study habits and culminating with the development of personal skills such as meta-cognition, mindfulness, stress management, and goal-setting. The majority of the course is focused on helping students build their toolbox of strategies for academic skills such as comprehension through reading and note-taking, memory-retention, test-taking, and planning and executing successful independent work completion. This course is graded as pass/fail.
Personal Development
Prerequisite: Biology Recommended
The Science and Practice of Mindfulness teaches students how to practice mindfulness and the positive effects on the brain, parasympathetic nervous system, and neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to transform and change.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
In Theater, Cinema, and Film Production, you’ll learn the basics of lighting, sound, wardrobe, and camerawork while examining the magic that happens behind all the drama. Delve into the glamorous history of film and theater, and examine the tremendous influence these industries have had on society and culture over the years. During this unit, you’ll discuss and analyze three classic American films “Casablanca, Singing in the Rain, and The Wizard of Oz” to help you learn how to critique and appreciate some of the most famous dramas of all time.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Prerequisite: English 9
Theater Appreciation increases student understanding, critical analysis, and appreciation of stage productions. Students gain knowledge of the history of theater, learn about the technical components of a production, and study major modern and classic playwrights and composers. Students are required to attend three productions during each semester of this course and participate in thoughtful discussions about the production. In addition, students write short reports and make presentations throughout the year.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 and Geometry
In this course, students dive deeper into trigonometric functions and periodicity, applying the concepts to real-world situations. This course is a great chance to hone algebraic skills before moving into Pre-Calculus.
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Prior History Course
United States Government is a one semester course that examines the origins of the American constitutional system, analyzes the structure and function of modern American government and politics, and explores the role of the citizen in a representative democracy.
Honors Prerequisite: Grade B or Higher in Prior History Course
Following a review of the nation’s beginnings and the impact of the Enlightenment on U.S. democratic ideals, students study the major turning points in American history in the twentieth century.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P, H | NCAA, UC
Whether you want to step into the wild side of veterinary medicine or just take care of loveable dogs and cats, explore how to care for domestic, farm, and wild animals, diagnose their common diseases and ailments, and learn about different veterinary treatments. If you have always been drawn to the world of our furry, scaly, and feathered friends, this is the course for you!
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Visual & Performing Arts
Vocal Fundamentals 2 Prerequisite: Vocal Fundamentals 1
This course is an introduction to the study of voice as a musical instrument and the development of technique in performance and musical ear training. The student will learn to approach singing from more of a technical standpoint that will not only strengthen their performance abilities, but help to safeguard from health issues related to poor singing technique. This course will give the student an opportunity to not only discover their own voice, but also improve breath control, vocal range, tone, belting ability, clarity and pitch.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
How many times per day do you access the internet, including social media? The web is an important part of our daily lives, so it’s no surprise that web development is one of the hottest career fields. Start to explore professional web development, including how to create content for the web. You’ll learn about topics such as servers, file organization, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and the development stack that will let you build any website you can dream up.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
This course is designed to introduce the student to various methods of creating wellbeing and balance in their lives through the lens of art. Students will focus on cultivating awareness, connection and empowerment through artistic expression to honors their authentic selves.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
This course is designed to introduce the student to various methods of creating wellbeing and balance in their lives through the lens of science, technology, engineering & math (STEM). Through hands-on experimentation, students learn how the process of creation contributes to becoming aware of, and making choices toward, a more successful existence.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
This course is designed to introduce the student to various methods of creating wellbeing and balance in their lives through the lens of a healthy mindset. Students learn from cutting-edge research from the fields of positive psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and beyond to develop the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly complex world.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
This course is designed to introduce the student to various methods of creating wellbeing and balance in their lives through the lens of music. Students will learn simple techniques to enrich mind, body and spirit through music. The techniques explored in the course can be applied to daily life to reduce stress and elevate mood.
LENGTH: 1 Term | LEVELS: E, P | UC
Personal Development
This course is designed for the student to explore and learn outside of the classroom through an unpaid/paid internship, community service, or formal work experience. Students who participate in this course are expected to use real world experience for personal and educational growth. Regular reflection on their experiences and goals are expected as is the recording of hours. At the conclusion of the course, the student will submit a final reflective paper that demonstrates use of Fusion’s Schoolwide Learner Outcomes as well as a final creative project of their choice. Students are required to complete 80 hours in their work position. Students meet with their teachers for 5 1:1 sessions.
World Languages
This course focuses on the fun and practical applications of any language. Technical aspects of any language are covered to improve communication, and cultural aspects are emphasized to promote effective language use and interaction. Students should have background in a world language, or take this concurrently with a language course.
LENGTH: 2 Terms | LEVELS: E, P | UC
(Life Science)
Zoology studies the diversity of animals, from the simple sponge to the elephant. This course will survey the major phyla of the kingdom Animalia including anatomy, physiology, interrelationships, and habitat.